♡ About me ♡

♡ I am studying Systems Engineering at the university.♡ I am an Australian/Mexican.♡ In my free time I like to draw, watch series or movies on Netflix/Disney+.♡ I'm basquetbolist.♡ I love to go for walks with my pets (three dogs and cat).♡ I have a huge obsession for the mexican style of the 70's, 80's and 90's.♡ My favorite color is blue, my secondary favorite colors are yellow, black, purple, turquoise, and white.♡ I really like foxes, rabbits and polar bears, although I have only seen polar bears in pictures.♡ I really like dark chocolate, strawberries and kiwi are my favorite fruit!

♡ I am currently in college, I study Computer Systems Engineering. A small gif of the panorama that I'm learning at university, obviously not in pixels, lol.

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